Data exchange
If you want to exchange large amounts of data with external partners use polybox SWITCHfilesender OneDrive
If you want to exchange large amounts of data with external partners use polybox SWITCHfilesender OneDrive
You can connect to the wired network with the blue network cable. If you have an Open Stage telephone (WEV and SEC building), you can connect the network cable directly to the phone instead of the UTP connection in the wall. In your office there are several UTP connections, but not all are working. If […]
ETHIS is the ETH Zurich web portal for personalised access to data, applications and evaluations relating to finance and personnel issues. Basic authorisation All staff are entitled to an ETHIS user. Any member of staff who does not yet have an ETHIS user can open one by logging in to the ETHIS page with the nethz-login. A […]
With your managed Windows or Apple computer Wi-Fi is connected automatically to SSID ETH/ETH5. How to connect manually to the Wifi The ETH works with the SSIDs eduroam/eduroam-5 for students, eth/eth5 for employees and public/public5 for guest users. (SSID = Service Set Identifier – public name of a wireless network). Loging Account: Realm Network name Login name […]
VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. The VPN client is software that allows an encrypted, secure and authenticated connection from remote locations to the ETH network.This is a requirement to access several IT services from outside ETH locations (i.e. when you are connected to the network of an external university, a hotel WiFi network or […]
The Print service offers the possibility to use services such as printing, copying and scanning. Transfer balance for students Students are not allowed to print unless an employee transfers balance with the print tool at If a student changes his position permanently to a staff member, he or she will be assigned to a organization […]
Accessing personal data Your usual data and network shares are available when you log in with your nethz-account from any managed computer and from any RDS node. Your home directory will be mapped to the same network drive as you are used to. Additionally, you can map any CIFS or SMB Network share the same way […]
Location Printer Model Printer Path (Windows) Printer Path (Mac & Linux) lee f 104 HP E77830z \\\p-lee-hp001 smb:// lee f 206 HP E57540c \\\p-lee-hp002 smb:// lee g 108 HP E57540c \\\p-lee-hp003 smb:// lee g 301 HP E77830z \\\p-lee-hp004 smb:// sec c 3 HP x58045z \\\p-sec-hp002 smb:// sec d 1 Nashuatec MP C3003SP \\\p-sec-d smb:// sec […]
The consolidated location for group and project data is \\\groups\mtec\group name.
Accessing Shares Open “File Explorer” next to the “Start” button. Select “Computer”. In order to connect to a folder click on “Map network drive” at the top of the window. Alternatively you can right click on “This PC” in the sidebar and select “Map network drive…”. A new window pops up where you can […]