Category: Scientific IT

Calculation options at D-GESS

D-GESS is a shareholder of Euler. We have access to nine fat compute nodes with 256GB of Ram and 10 TB Discspace (/cluster/project/gess/public). Euler is based on Linux. With Euler, Stata 13 MP may now be used with a graphic surface. Further information may be found here: Stata-WIKI Start using Euler: “Getting started with Euler” General information […]

Scientific IT-Services

D-GESS is a shareholder of ETH Scientific IT Services (“Shareholder model” for HPC computing power, Scientific Compute Clusters) Due to the wide-spread application of quantitative and computer-based methods in Social and Political Sciences, the demand for support in terms of research-oriented IT has increased substantially at D-GESS. After joining the Scientific IT Services (SIS) in 2014, the researchers […]