Category: Private device

Install an Adobe product (private device) Windows

Back to Software Adobe (If you do not have a licence for “Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps CC DC” yet, please order it in our IT-Shop. See these instructions!) Open in a browser Situation Action Enter as Email address and click Continue Repeat, enter your ETH password (mail) and click Sign […]

Windows: Map network drive

Accessing Shares Find your group share here. Address of your personal folder: Windows: \\\home$\[username] Open “File Explorer” next to the “Start” button.   Select “Computer”. In order to connect to a folder click on “Map network drive” at the top of the window. Alternatively you can right click on “This PC” in the sidebar and […]

MacOS: Connect to a remote folder

Accessing Shares Find your group share here. Address of your personal folder: Mac: smb://$/[username] In the Finder, choose Go > “Connect to Server.” Type the network address for the folder in the Server Address field: NOTE: For Mac-Os Version prior to 10.6 you need the UNC path (according NAS nomenclature) Enter your user account in […]

Add a printer (Windows)

Please note: Printing a page in color costs D-GESS 6 Rp/page, while a page in Black&White costs 1 Rp/page only!! Therefore, we strongly recommend to set the default of our printer preferences to Black&White (see further below). Please also have a look at There, you can make a webprint and also check your printing costs, even […]