Author: Andres Müller Krummenacher

Newsletter-Tool «Inxmail»: Neue Funktionen

Im Jahr 2015 haben die Informatikdienste mit dem Newsletter-Tool «Inxmail» einen neuen Service ins Leben gerufen. Der technische Betrieb (Hosting) wird von der Sektion Basisdienste wahrgenommen, die Applikationsbetreuung aktuell von der Sektion Software Services. Bisher werden an der ETH insgesamt 22 Newsletter über dieses Tool verschickt. Zusammen mit unserem Lieferanten Unic aktualisieren wir die Templates […]


ETH Zurich uses Adobe Ex­pe­ri­ence Man­ager (AEM) for their of­fi­cial web­site con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (WCMS/CMS), in­cor­po­rat­ing as a stan­dard, the of­fi­cial ETH cor­po­rate de­sign. Web con­tent is edited and main­tained in a de­cen­tralised fash­ion. Thus, or­gan­i­sa­tional units carry the in­di­vid­ual re­spon­si­bil­ity for their web­sites and cre­ate and up­date their con­tent them­selves.  General information (Web Consultant, […]

Rooms and buildings services

Service portals Real estate services portal Submit a report or an order related to buildings/rooms. Real estate services portal Orientation, buildings and plans You can find up-to-date floor plans, emergency exit plans and site maps plus information on buildings actively managed by public real estate managment at the new service orientation and plans Requests for rooms Classrooms, checking […]

Lending of selected equipment

IT GESS Please contact us if you need special hardware to borrow – Laptop (Mac or Windows) – Mouse – Adapter (Display, Beamer, Network) – Persenter   Multimedia services Fore professional multimedia devices please have a look at the multimedia services Beamer Audio Rocorder Players Photo cameras Speaker Screens Microphones Mixer (Audio) Tripods Video Cameras […]

A/V checkout service

MMS IS operates a leading service for A/V devices at the Main Campus and Hönggerberg campus. The service offers mobile devices for audio and video playback such as projectors, screens, speakers, microphones, audio recording devices, etc. The devices can be reserved via our WebShop or via email. The devices offered are state of the art […]

How to scan

Scan with the PIA-pinters (Nashuatec MP C3003SP) Six basic steps of scanning 1. Insert documents 2. Press scan button 3. Select destination 4. Make required settings 5. Press start 6. Retrieve scan at work station 1. Insert documents Two input modules are available. Namely: Document feeder for documents with multiple pages Make sure that the […]

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