Author: Margreth Stammbach

Home drive

Accessing personal data Your usual data and network shares are available when you log in with your nethz-account from any managed Wndows computer and from any RDS node. Your home directory will be mapped to the same network drive as you are used to. Additionally, you can map any CIFS or SMB Network share the same […]

Windows: Map network drive

Accessing Shares Find your group share here. Address of your personal folder: Windows: \\\home$\[username] Open “File Explorer” next to the “Start” button.   Select “Computer”. In order to connect to a folder click on “Map network drive” at the top of the window. Alternatively you can right click on “This PC” in the sidebar and […]

Standard managed and additional applications

Additional software needed for windows: In case additional software is needed, the installation can be requested via:SmartDesk. If the software is available on our software distribution suite, we will assign it and it will get installed. Should the desired software not be part of our suite, we will contact you to discuss how to proceed. […]

Internet abroad with eduroam

EDUROAM – surfing at universities around the world: “eduroam” offers access for members of universities from many countries around the world. Access to eduroam is via @. Visit the eduroam website1 to find out which countries are taking part. For ETH members the username looks like this: ETH user name@<realm> whereby “realm” is either staff-net, […]

Mobile phone

Mobile Telephony is an additional service of ETH Zurich for mobile telephony and is based on the Swisscom Mobile Network. The service is available exclusively to employees of ETH Zurich. Orders, cancellation and modification for the Mobile Telephony Service are processed via the IT Shop All orders with cost implications always require the approval of the budget officer via ETHIS. Roaming […]

Voice mail

The answering machine (hereinafter referred to as voicemail) can be used as a classic answering machine with recording function, for announcements only without recording or as an out-of-office  announcement. It is also possible to listen to the messages from your smartphone or any other telephone. The following functions are included in the voicemail service: Answering machine […]

MacOS: Connect to a remote folder

Accessing Shares Find your group share here. Address of your personal folder: Mac: smb://$/[username] In the Finder, choose Go > “Connect to Server.” Type the network address for the folder in the Server Address field: NOTE: For Mac-Os Version prior to 10.6 you need the UNC path (according NAS nomenclature) Enter your user account in […]

Being abroad

You can be a long time away from the ETH with a managed Windows device. The power supply should work but you will need an adapter or different power cable. The warranty applies throughout the world. If you leave ETH for more then a month please contact us to get instruction, local admin rights and to […]

Academic applications

Application Description Course Catalogue Publication listing the range of courses available and the catalogue of lecturers. Available in German and English. eApply Application for a study programme at the ETH Zurich eDoz For all lecturers at ETH Zurich. Available in German and English. myStudies For all students at ETH Zurich and auditors. Available in German […]

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